Perfect or Present. By Luke Reinbold
I recently had a conversation with a lady as she shared some concerns, goals, and emotions all spinning together in a desire to just enjoy her horse and do the right thing.
I often sense the overwhelming and sometimes debilitating fear possesed by really good people that want the absolute best for their horse but aren't always sure what that is or what it might look like.
However there are to many outside opinions of what is best for your horse, what method you should use, best tack, feed and the list goes on and on. A little cowboy wisdom I think is good to remember; "opinions are like armpits, everyone has a couple, and they all stink."
What's the moral of the story. Your horse doesn't expect you to be perfect, they expect you to be present. Not every method, tack, feed etc is best for everyone in all instances. Horses are different, people are different, the right method or idea is the one that works for what your individual horse's needs are.
I think it is important to define what your own goals are, personally and what you would like to do with your horse. Then learn. Learn what methods work for you by trying them and discovering what works for you and what doesn't. The right thing to do is the one that works, for you. But in all our learning about the horse, let the horse be your best teacher. They, after all, do have the best ideas on the subject.
Pc Rachel Ann Photography
I often sense the overwhelming and sometimes debilitating fear possesed by really good people that want the absolute best for their horse but aren't always sure what that is or what it might look like.
However there are to many outside opinions of what is best for your horse, what method you should use, best tack, feed and the list goes on and on. A little cowboy wisdom I think is good to remember; "opinions are like armpits, everyone has a couple, and they all stink."
What's the moral of the story. Your horse doesn't expect you to be perfect, they expect you to be present. Not every method, tack, feed etc is best for everyone in all instances. Horses are different, people are different, the right method or idea is the one that works for what your individual horse's needs are.
I think it is important to define what your own goals are, personally and what you would like to do with your horse. Then learn. Learn what methods work for you by trying them and discovering what works for you and what doesn't. The right thing to do is the one that works, for you. But in all our learning about the horse, let the horse be your best teacher. They, after all, do have the best ideas on the subject.
Pc Rachel Ann Photography